Alumni Yuan Ching (AYC) was officially formed in 2005. AYC strives towards being the bridge between the Alumni of Yuan Ching and the school. This allows for Alumni to continue to support the school in its programmes, at the same time provides the opportunity for Alumni to maintain quality relationships with each other and the school.
The organisation structure of Alumni Yuan Ching consist of the AYC Executive Committee (EXCO) and the AYC Youth Wing (YW). Together with the school, AYC will plan and organise activities for the Alumni of Yuan Ching and the school population. The committee hopes that these activities will help foster bonds and loyalty to the school.
- Alumni Gathering
- Involvement in School Activities
- CCAs involvement
- Sharing sessions (Assembly Talks/ Education and Career Guidance Talks)
Alumni Gatherings

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Involvement in School Activities

MS NELLY FAZLINI BTE AHMAD (ALUMNI) shared on her Early Admission Exercise (Mass Communications, Ngee Ann Poly) experience, during 2019 Education and Career Guidance Fair.
MS TAN SZE JING (ALUMNI) shared on her good academic practices (Catholic Junior Collage) during 2019 Education and Career Guidance Fair

Chairman: Mr Zulkifli Ibrahim
Vice Chairman: Mr Teo Tat Yong
Secretary: Mr Vincent Chan Voon Shen
Treasurer: Ms Sandy Su
Publicity and Comms:
Ms Shermeen Ong
Ms Syaza
Alumni Liaison:
Mr Muizzu
Mr Wong Meng Teng
Mr Hilman Hanuar
Mr Josiah Lau
Ms Natalie Lim
Ms Koh Rou Ying
Ms Tan Hui Ann
Teacher Liaison:
Mrs Erh-Ong Ka Min
Ms Nadia Bte Madzan