
“Scholar Sportsmen” is the motto of Yuan Ching Secondary School Basketball Team.
Each member of the basketball team always strive to achieve the best results in both academic and sport domain. Each member of the team are expected to encourage his fellow peers to excel both on and off the court.
The team trains on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the school term. Selected students will train with added intensity during the school holidays to prepare them for National School Games Basketball Competition. The team also participates in other ad hoc competitions and friendly games throughout the year.
Secondary One students who are interested to join the Basketball CCA are selected based on their attitude, physical and technical abilities during trials conducted by the coach and teachers-in-charge. Those who make the cut for the CCA undergo a disciplined yet rewarding training regime under the close supervision of our teachers and coaches.
VISION: Every Basketballer, a Sportsman, a Scholar.
MISSION: To promote and provide developmentally appropriate basketball programmes for all CCA members which enhance their physical health, character development, and enjoyment of the sport in a safe environment.
CCA Activities
Annual CCA affirmation ceremony for graduating seniors
CCA Day Camp
Friendly Matches
Intra-School Games
Achievements / Participations
NSG Basketball 'C' Boys : Silver (Tier 6)
West Zone Inter-School Basketball 'B' Division Championships 2020
West Zone Inter-School Basketball 'B' Division Championships 2019: 1st
West Zone Inter-School Basketball 'C' Division Championships 2019: 2nd Round
West Zone Inter-School Basketball 'B' Division Championships 2018: 1st
West Zone Inter-School Basketball 'C' Division Championships 2018: 2nd Round
Teachers in charge
Mr Sonny Liang (IC)
Mr Senduran Vasudevan (2IC)
Tuesdays & Thursdays : 3.15pm -6.15pm
Venue (1) : Basketball Court/Canal
Venue (2) : Basketball Court/ISH