Craft & Technology
Key Programmes

Department Overview
Department Vision
Creative Thinkers , Concerned Citizens
Department Mission
To inculcate creativity in our learners through engaging hands-on learning in Art, Design and Technology, Music & Food and Consumer Education. We hope that the knowledge and skills learnt can inspire our students to continuously think and seek creative ways to improve the overall quality of life in their community as concerned citizens.
2022 - The Start of Farm to Fork Concept
With an aim to develop our students to become concerned citizens, as well as to build a stronger sense of belonging to Yuan Ching Secondary School, our department collaborated with Environmental Science Club teachers and students to embark on our journey in sustainability. The Singapore Green Plan 30 by 30 can only be achieved if there is collective effort from schools and communities.
The Farm to Fork concept finally started its inception in Yuan Ching Secondary School in 2022. The fully automated solar powered hydroponics system was set up on 28 April 2022.
This hydroponics project would allow our students and staff to experience sowing the efforts to grow the vegetables today and harvesting the vegetables as the rewards for tomorrow which is also in line with Yuan Ching’s motto:
“Efforts Today, Rewards Tomorrow”; “今日耕耘,明日长青”.

2023 - Strengthening Farm to Fork Concept Through a Cross Disciplinary Project
The department is going to start a cross disciplinary integrated project
known as ‘Farm to Fork’, incorporating the designing of a plant holder
for hydroponics. Stay tuned for more exciting updates and photos.
Art is an important and treasured mode of human expression throughout history. Art plays many important roles in our lives. It captures memories, communicates ideas, shapes values and evoke emotions. It exists all around us in different forms; from the colours, shapes and patterns in nature to everyday images and designs on magazines, products and media. As an academic subject in the school curriculum, art is integral to the holistic development of every student.
In lower secondary, we have the principle of design and elements of design with incorporation of inquiry based learning using both digital art as well as traditional art form such as art making and art discussion. The development of the different types of strategies to teach art in an engaging way to develop their metacognition is the cornerstone of teaching and learning of art. The use of the thinking routines and the use of questioning techniques enable students to discover their understanding of their own creativity and ability to create content that shows originality and critical and inventive thinking skills.
In upper secondary, the content taught is wide and deep with greater emphasis in the inquiry based learning and artist reference. The ability to gather and investigate on a given theme or concept and the application of the skills in the different media is key to further develop teaching and learning at the upper secondary level. Students reflect on their work and also be a critic for other students' works so that the narrative for collaborative learning is engrained deeper.
Apart from lessons in the classroom, students also take part in SYF Art Exhibitions, external art competitions as well as learning journeys to develop an understanding of best practices.

In D&T, pupils learn mainly through design-and-make projects guided by a design process. The design process entails identifying design needs from real-world experiences, generating and developing ideas, and realising the design solution; with research carried out when necessary. Research includes testing ideas through quick mock-ups and evaluating the final design solution with the intended user. In doing so, pupils acquire related knowledge and develop skills that turn ideas into reality and values like mindfulness, empathy and sensitivity in the areas of social, culture and environment.
In lower secondary, students will learn various design techniques to generate the designs of prototypes. During the course, students will learn to handle various hand-tools and electrical machines so that they can make or realize the prototypes in the workshop. Students will also acquire basic knowledge of technology on electronics and mechanisms.
In upper secondary, students who are offered the Design & Technology course will dive deeper into the area of technologies. Students will be engaged in creating more creative products by applying what they have learnt in design techniques and technologies.
FCE in the 21st century is designed with the social and economic landscape of Singapore in mind, both current and future. The syllabus takes into consideration new lifestyles and consumer trends, and therefore, the knowledge, skills and attitudes required of young learners related to health and financial management. In this syllabus, there are two Core Areas of Study that students need to learn: Food Studies and Consumer Studies.
In lower secondary, students will go through an Applied Module to modify and prepare Mac and Cheese with a local heritage twist that can be sold in a local food court to attract tourist. Students will also explore using different ingredients in cupcake making, then proceed to creating a nutritional label to inform consumers of the nutritional content in the cupcake.
In upper secondary, students who are offered the Nutrition and Food Science subject will be engaged in creating more skillful and creative dishes by applying the food science content.
The syllabus is developed on the premise that all children are musical and have the innate ability to listen, sing, dance, play and express themselves musically. When learning experiences are tailored to develop children’s musical abilities, the complete musicians inside them begin to emerge . In addition, music has the potential to develop extra-musical skills, including critical thinking skills, psychomotor skills, social awareness, and moral and cultural values, all of which contribute to the holistic development of a child.
In lower secondary, students will be exposed to various local and global music. Students will also be involved in active listening, analysing and responding to music of various cultures and styles in many ways. They will also learn to improvise with voice and instruments and eventually engage in composing or arranging a short music of a few parts using GarageBand app
HOD Craft & Technology: Ms Joy Tay Huijuan
Art/ Music |
Design and Technology |
Food and Nutrition Science/Music |
Mr Mohamad Fadzel |
Mr Soong Mun Fye (DT Coordinator) |
Ms Irene Tay |
Mr Sivaperakas R Muthiah |
Mr Lai Weng Keong (AYH Lower Sec) |
Ms Tan Ai Lin |
Ms Tsering Choden |
Mr Ong Sheo Yuan |
Mdm Nancy Lau |
Miss Shanti Armugam (Music Coordinator) |
Mr Tham Wai Keong |
Mdm Vijaya (Food Lab Assistant) |
Mr Low Giau Ming (STEM Instructor) |
Mr Jofri Bin Osman (STEM Instructor) |